New post office rates - unbelievable

FedEx has better service than either the USPS or UPS, IMO. Price isn't everything. If you get treated better for a little bit more, go there.
What I find even more aggravating is that the Post Office doesn't even have stamps for the new rates yet! At least mine doesn't.

That is so typical of "Our Government",

"I'm from the Federal Government and I'm here to help you".

I'll bet you can even sign up for Zero Premium Life Insurance with them. :D
One word for you John why the postal rates will continue to go up and the USPS will continue to be the largest employer in the nation with low turnover: UNIONS
The increase for 2006 was because of politicians. Rates were increased to help fund the war. The PRC (Postal Rate Commission) which is appointed by the President actually raises the rates not the USPS. When rates go up employees do not get raises so I do not see where unions are involved in the rate increase.
How are postal employees public employees? Oh I know I bet you guys think tax dollars pay for their salaries. That was done away with in the early 70s.

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