Pdp $$


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If pdp commissions are cut to zero what level of help or service will you provide to those member in your current book of biz
If pdp commissions are cut to zero what level of help or service will you provide to those member in your current book of biz

By purposefully making the additional commission relatively high, it makes you wonder if CMS is intentionally killing PDP commission of any amount?
I'll direct them to the carrier for questions.
I listen to 2 big fmo's youtube forecast today and both said plan on zero commissions on pdp, also both said that the lower premium pdp plans are going to be closed ...
Zero PDP commissions just means those companies don't get quoted. Unless it's a big difference in out of pocket cost.
You may being quoting nothing, sounds to me like pdp commissions are toast
One could argue that doing no commission PDP, is an indirect way to encourage agents to solicit the MAPD. Thus, creating a conflict of interest, similar to "marketing dollars" which CMS is attempting to stop.

If there are no rules preventing them from removing the commissions, then I anticipate the companies will migrate that direction. Obviously Aetna already did, after they used the agents to help them gain the market share first.

I dont think they purposefully made the PDP commission higher, in an attempt to kill commissions. I read the proposal, and it sounded like they were trying to think out of the box. However, it it did read a bit like a group of students doing a case study, tossing out various ideas, without fully understanding the implications of the idea..... not a big stretch for government toying with business. I think they have good intent, but it's not rolled out well.

I doubt it's an issue the FMO representatives were too worried about debating, when they were there to influence the final rule. Of course they were probably looking out for their own pockets.

In reality, they could just make pdp and mapd commissions the same. Bring mapd down, and pdp up, and make it mandatory from the companies. Conflict of interest is gone, problem solved.

I'll continue to take care of my current book.

I think CMS will have A LOT more call in traffic than they've ever had before, and I dont anticipate they will be ready.