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Question on Med Supp Commission

Yes - a credit card and buy your own leads.

Seriously - I'm not trying to be a naysayer - but with Cigna (recruiters can correct me if I'm wrong) you can likely get close to 21-22% with most FMO's for 6 years (some states more).

You sold 85 policies. Great.

Let's say - average premium = 110

Free Leads = 110 * 85 * 12 * 16% = $17,952 1st year, $0 yr 2-6

No free leads = 110 * 85 * 12 * 21% = $23,562 1st year, $23,562 yrs 2-6 (give or take a little... you'll lose some....) = $140,000

So, you spent $116,000 on leads. Free leads are not free.

Somewhat circling back on this - this thread has a lot of good arguments. I think Bevo made a good point in that, we can't forget that the agency is taking 99.9% of the risk - and that is a huge risk.

Thinking through it even more - I bet most agents that get hired there barely sell anything and the OP may be one of the better producers. Therefore, the agency likely loses money on a lot of agents, so if they profit on a few, good for them.

I never intended the idea that the agency is giving a "raw deal" or being unscrupulous - rather, that the OP should know that there are good opportunities out there for the indy agent.

Yes, leads are hard to generate, especially at scale. But for the average agent, even below average agent, it's not that hard to generate leads via a direct mail house or telemarketing. Expensive? Yes. But you wouldn't be the first to spend $450 to get 20-30 leads and hope to sell 2-3 as a new agent. Sure, you won't sell 85 new policies until you budget expands to market more, but you can survive.

My first few years selling, I worked a 2nd sales job on and off (it was a flexible 1099 sales job). It slowed me down (significantly) on building the Medicare business, but it put food on the table.
You need to figure out your budget. I can't stand Dave Ramsey on many things, but he is great on how to trim your budget to the bare minimum. Based on that number, how much do you need to survive? That's your goal. It may be that you take on debt. Or work part time. Most of us did something else to start our business because you can't make enough in year 1 to survive.
Without renewals I’d be making roughly 30-35k/year. No thanks!

Like someone mentioned before, you can most likely negotiate with your boss to get some kind of residual.
I could easily buy someone a steady flow of leads and split the commission and residuals 50/50.
Without renewals I’d be making roughly 30-35k/year. No thanks!

Like someone mentioned before, you can most likely negotiate with your boss to get some kind of residual.
I could easily buy someone a steady flow of leads and split the commission and residuals 50/50.

Which is a great way to build a book, since 90% of agents don't survive past year 3....
1st off, you don't know my experiences, so don't tell me what I do and don't understand. For your information I too started out on low contracts and free leads. I understand very well the concept behind it. I can't say that I came into this business educated, but I did understand what renewals were. Had my upline only wanted to pay 1st year commission I would have told him where he could stick it. That deal is pretty much only a good deal for the upline in the long run.
If the agent wants free leads and training then so be it. However, there are many places out there that won't take the renewals created by the agent. If they are looking for it they will find it. Too many opportunities to make money than to take a deal like we're discussing. I feel that it's taking advantage of someone when they don't know any better. Just because someone doesn't understand something doesn't mean you should take advantage of their ignorance. Now, if the agent goes in knowing full well what the deal is and understands that they could easily get a better deal (with leads and training) elsewhere and they still choose no renewals...then that's on them. Whether the agent knows beforehand or not still doesn't make it a good deal though. Let me give you an example of what I mean. Had the OP been given a choice of getting 16%, free leads, and no renewals as opposed to maybe a lower first year % (say maybe 12-14%), free leads, and renewals, which do you think she would have gone for?
Will the agency make money on the 2nd scenario? You bet they will. It's just not as much as they will make when they keep all of the renewals. Keeping all of the renewals is a greedy move and plays to the new agents ignorance. No ifs, ands, or buts about that.
Without renewals I’d be making roughly 30-35k/year. No thanks!

Like someone mentioned before, you can most likely negotiate with your boss to get some kind of residual.
I could easily buy someone a steady flow of leads and split the commission and residuals 50/50.

Is that gross or net? because I know you spend on DM leads. I know it's almost impossible to get a number but I'd be interested in educated guesses or ballpark figures.

Can I afford to make $0 the first year? Probably not. Yes I am willing to go into debt but I'm not willing to go into a hole I can't get out from under.

And whomever said I was probably better than most of the agents at this position...you are correct. The first 2 weeks I was already at the top of the sales board, up against people who have been with the company a few years. Can I get better? OMG YES!! One of the reasons I did this. I had hoped I would learn more than I am/did.
Is that gross or net? because I know you spend on DM leads. I know it's almost impossible to get a number but I'd be interested in educated guesses or ballpark figures.

Can I afford to make $0 the first year? Probably not. Yes I am willing to go into debt but I'm not willing to go into a hole I can't get out from under.

And whomever said I was probably better than most of the agents at this position...you are correct. The first 2 weeks I was already at the top of the sales board, up against people who have been with the company a few years. Can I get better? OMG YES!! One of the reasons I did this. I had hoped I would learn more than I am/did.

Gross. Average sale is about $325 for mapd/med supp mix. Goal for me is to sell 100. Obviously you don’t factor in pdp into those numbers. But your first year if you sell 100 you will only get that amount if you get advances on your med supps.
I get as earned now.

At this point I’m only spending $1k/month on all my marketing. I’ve been meaning to up that.