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Random Questions on Business Card Preferences

Okay, I'll play along.... I need the post count....

1. Do you include your ZIP+4 or just the first 5 digits?

Just the zip, nothing but the 5 digit zip

2. Do you put your suite number (if you have one) on the same line as the street name and number, or do you give it its own line?

I leave the suite number off entirely

2a. If you put it all on one line, do you include a comma between the street and suite? (e.g. 123 Sesame Street Suite 456 or 123 Sesame Street, Suite 456?)

I leave the suite number off entirely

3. Do you include your insurance license # on your business cards?

Required by state law

4. Do you include your middle initial?


4a. If so, with or without a period after it?

5. For your phone number, do you put the area code in parentheses, use all dashes, use all dots (e.g. 555.123.4567), or other?


I am aware that these pretty much come down to personal preference (except for maybe #3 if some states/companies require its inclusion), and I'm not asking for advice on my own personal cards. I just ordered a new batch and it got me curious as to the preferences of others.

*edit* Thought of another...

6. Do you use your state's abbreviation in the address, or spell it out?

This is why the insurance community has such a high agent turnover. Get out there and SELL. Worry about cards later!!!
What difference does it make knowing other people's preferences? It's all in the execution, after all, and even if two different people have the same preferences it's no guarantee that they'll implement the strategy in exactly the same way.
A part of sales is prospecting and handing out cards is just that. They are a useful in that you can send several to a new or existing client as a referral tool. You can also hand them to people you meet to plant a seed, not hardcore like Ned Ryerson lol (Groundhog Day & Sales the Ned Ryerson Way) but tactfully so if a need arises in the future, they have it. Oh and both concepts work, if you do.

If anyone asks you "do you have a card?" and you don't, you will not look very professional to many people especially the person who asks for it.

Lastly, it's difficult to get out there and sell if you're not fully prepared.

This is why the insurance community has such a high agent turnover. Get out there and SELL. Worry about cards later!!!