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Response to "I Need to Think About It"

I need to think about it most definitely does not mean no. It means, I'm undecided, and if you don't give me the information I need to say yes, then I will say no.

I have to respectfully disagree.

When someone says " I need to think about it", if you don't overcome that "stall", their decision will be a no.
"Think about it" about the same as "no, not right now". Neither one pays you any comm.

"Think about it" is because:
-Presentation not good enough to say yes, (unanswered questions or they don't feel comfortable with you),
-I can't afford it and am embarrassed to tell you,
-They really need to think about it and at the present are
neither a yes nor a no,
-Don't feel they need your product but do not have the gonads to tell you so.
You guys are funny. According to all of you, I'm doing it wrong. And I lose less than 20% of my "Think about it" prospects.

When I go out on an appointment, I don't even carry apps with me. I talk with them about their needs, learn about them and their family, and educate them on what I feel would be beneficial to them. From there, I ask if they have any questions, which they normally don't.

Then I stand up to leave, thank them for their time, and tell them to call me when they want to get moving or if they have any questions. 99% of the time, they ask for apps right then and there - so we set up a 2nd appointment to complete everything.

The 20% I lose, they just don't do anything. Only once have I lost a sale to another agent, and that was an app that was dropped after 4 months (and I knew this was going to happen, so I asked for a years premium for life insurance up front).

Pressure doesn't work, and people don't want to be sold. It also helps that 90% of my customers are educated, have money, and come via referral.
I have to respectfully disagree.

When someone says " I need to think about it", if you don't overcome that "stall", their decision will be a no.

I think you need to reread what I wrote. I stated that "I need to think about it" means that the prospect lacks the information they need to be able to say yes, and if you fail to supply it, then the answer will be no.

And I would agree with stuy119, pressure doesn't work. And generally you are only competing with yourself for a prospect's business. But it doesn't sound like you actually hear "I have to think about it" all that often. In fact, your approach seems to prevent that stall.