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Roxane Fischer

New Member
How often do you refer some leads to other brokers? I am new to life Insurance & annuities and recently I had someone ask me about health insurance. I had to refer him elsewhere, but I'd like to profit from such situations. Would like to know if I can automatize the process and how much money I could make out of it.
I refer auto to a friend in P&C, and he refers medicare/life leads to me. I don't ask to be paid for it since its a mutual relationship (Ill get the commission anyways so Its all good)

See if you can develop a relationship with a local health, etc broker and you can send leads to each other.
How often do you refer some leads to other brokers? I am new to life Insurance & annuities and recently I had someone ask me about health insurance. I had to refer him elsewhere, but I'd like to profit from such situations. Would like to know if I can automatize the process and how much money I could make out of it.

All I do is commercial p&c. That's it, and I'm frankly busier than I want to be. Anytime someone asks about anything else, I refer it out. I never ask for any sort of a kickback or anything like that, and I never give one. I do, however give a generous gift basket at holiday time to agents that refer me leads that turn into business. Very generous.
All I do is commercial p&c. That's it, and I'm frankly busier than I want to be. Anytime someone asks about anything else, I refer it out. I never ask for any sort of a kickback or anything like that, and I never give one. I do, however give a generous gift basket at holiday time to agents that refer me leads that turn into business. Very generous.

You've never sent me a gift basket :unsure:
Oh no Alex, for you, I've given something special. Something far more valuable than a basket full of chocolate and gift certificates. I've given you the gift of friendship. The gift that keeps on giving.

Wow, I never thought of it that way. You're absolutely right, there's nothing more valuable than friendship.. but you didn't say just any gift basket, you said generous, very generous.
I have a state farm and aca agent that refer new to Medicare mapd business to me . I give $100 per app referral fee which is the max allowed to another agent .