Sending Newsletters? How Often?



How often do you send them out?

Do you snail mail or email?

Where do you find the content from to put it in the newsletter?
Re: Newsletters

EVERY Month by USPS. Load it up with YOUR personality. Only include about 30% of insurance related topics. The rest should be things you and your agency do in the community, promote a referral program and other fun things. Oh, and include a lot of pictures....make it a fun thing to do so it's not like work to create and get it out.
Re: Newsletters

EVERY month? Not quarterly?

WHy USPS and not email, email seems a ton cheaper?
Re: Newsletters

Quarterly is better than not at all. I used to send em bi-monthly and when I went to monthly, my referrals doubled and my retention went up over 2 points that year.

I've learned from great marketing minds that touching your clients every 30 days has a very positive impact on your business and I have found this to be true.
Re: Newsletters


I think I might get sick of hearing from my agent monthly, but sounds like it works for you.

DO you have a sample of a newsletter you can send me?
Re: Newsletters

Let me give you a tip.
Don't talk about boring insurance. No client cares about boring insurance. Talk about fun and good stuff and just add your ad somewhere..
Mark, do you do the event marketing program? Just set it up like a monthly newsletter instead? Just curious as I'd like to get something like this started while my book is small.
Re: Newsletters

Any chance you'd we willing to post, PM or e-mail a copy of one of your's? I'd like to see how you lay it out and types of content.

Also, do you self-print or do glossy at the print shop?

So many questions, I know :)

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