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Should You Go into Debt for Leads?

I like Pete's creativity. A window company I worked for set us very sketchy appointments which often led to bad reactions when we arrived. You would often get "porched" if you didn't think fast on your feet. The top salesman had an interesting routine to handle this. If he encountered anger, he would lay flat on the ground and say, "go ahead kick me, get it out of your system". It would disarm the people. They would laugh and say, "oh alright, come on in." He said it worked every time.
Yea i connected with a deadbeat head bobbing hood rat this week lol, i cared so much about hearing her excuses that i stood up and walked out while she was in mid sentence lol...next!
1) Money (Whether you already have it, whether you need to sell things to get some or however you get it, you have a MUCH better shot of surviving the initial onslaught of the first 9 months with some. If it means maxing out a cc, then so be it). Agentguy5 has his own interesting story of how he got started. I'll let him share if he wants to.

Agentguy5, speech speech speech!
Agentguy5, speech speech speech!

Wifey and I had gotten into FE and we were failing out and getting desperate!

Working the Miami/Fort Lauderdale market wasn't working.

We had finally come to the realization that our only chance was to start selling in the more rural areas of Fla, but by that time the cash flow was already gone.

I called a buddy of mine and sold him my AR-15, Desert Eagle, and AMT-Automag for around $2,500

We took a gamble, dropped a bunch of mail 2 hours from home, and within a couple of months, it started to pay off.

We could have run up the wife's credit cards or put a mortgage on the house but thankfully we didn't have to go there!
Wifey and I had gotten into FE and we were failing out and getting desperate!

Working the Miami/Fort Lauderdale market wasn't working.

We had finally come to the realization that our only chance was to start selling in the more rural areas of Fla, but by that time the cash flow was already gone.

I called a buddy of mine and sold him my AR-15, Desert Eagle, and AMT-Automag for around $2,500

We took a gamble, dropped a bunch of mail 2 hours from home, and within a couple of months, it started to pay off.

We could have run up the wife's credit cards or put a mortgage on the house but thankfully we didn't have to go there!

Adapt and overcome. Great story!:)
Wifey and I had gotten into FE and we were failing out and getting desperate! Working the Miami/Fort Lauderdale market wasn't working. We had finally come to the realization that our only chance was to start selling in the more rural areas of Fla, but by that time the cash flow was already gone. I called a buddy of mine and sold him my AR-15, Desert Eagle, and AMT-Automag for around $2,500 We took a gamble, dropped a bunch of mail 2 hours from home, and within a couple of months, it started to pay off. We could have run up the wife's credit cards or put a mortgage on the house but thankfully we didn't have to go there!

Great Story... I'm guessing you have bought many rifles/guns since to replace what was lost?? lol
I remember a former insurance agent who did so well he no longer is in the industry advocating that a new agent should buy a life policy on him/herself. Use the advance as an interest free loan to buy leads.

That way the agent could not only go in debt but when the premium couldn't be paid there would be a chargeback. The new agent gets vectored and the upline gets stuck with the debt.

Can't imagine why he no longer sells insurance.

If I were broke I would save up $5,000 or so the same way others are telling you to start off in the business (cold calling, ect. or get a job whatever) then I'd use the credit card to buy leads and hold onto the cash. I'd rather have some cash and credit card debt than no cash and all kinds of credit provided you have a means other than final expense (since you may fail in that) to pay off the debt. I personally just don't like being cash poor. I hate it more than debt. I've always been able to manage debt but never no cash.