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SOA/Sales at Sales Events

That’s what the law says at this time . Some carriers like Anthem and Aetna have interpreted it the call ins don’t need the 49 hr soa . I’m sure we’ll get full interpretation before aep . I saw the letter from cms 3 weeks ago that said call centers aren’t exempt .

I was on ehealth earnings call today. They stated the 48 hr rule does not apply to their incoming calls to their call centers and don't see it effecting earnings. Recording is avail I'm sure online
I was on ehealth earnings call today. They stated the 48 hr rule does not apply to their incoming calls to their call centers and don't see it effecting earnings. Recording is avail I'm sure online
I was on ehealth earnings call today. They stated the 48 hr rule does not apply to their incoming calls to their call centers and don't see it effecting earnings. Recording is avail I'm sure online

That’s there interpretation. There’s nothing From cms that says that . And honestly doesn’t matter . All the phone centers business is 90% lis/dsnp and none of that business has a chance in hell of sticking. Even 6 months outside face to face interaction. I take out 25 call center apps a month .
I'm pretty sure they have a hotline to CMS, and don't need to interpret anything.

And 25 apps a month is impressive. 25 from call centers is called a hyperbole
I'm still confused about last years rules while at Walmart. Was told get a scope, don't get a scope, don't need a scope, it's non compliant to have them sign a scope if I'm at a walmart. I came to the conclusion myself that I didn't need one, but got one anyway. Still confused a little.

I just got a scope for everyone. and had a sign on desk with disclaimer.

48 hour rule. Yah ok. next.
I'm still confused about last years rules while at Walmart. Was told get a scope, don't get a scope, don't need a scope, it's non compliant to have them sign a scope if I'm at a walmart. I came to the conclusion myself that I didn't need one, but got one anyway. Still confused a little.

I just got a scope for everyone. and had a sign on desk with disclaimer.

48 hour rule. Yah ok. next.

I just get a scope on everyone. I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. My main question was if walk-ups at a sales event were being treated in the same way as office walk-ins and the answer according to what I have read myself in the federal register as well as compliance departments that I have spoken to is yes. I was in a meeting Monday and there was a guy there who "knows everything" (and he is actually quite knowledgeable, but everything is impossible to know). He was saying that the only thing we could do at a sales event was obtain PTC, then follow up for a scope, then follow up for appointment. That's where my question initially came from. I was pretty sure he was wrong, but I am also not infallible.
I just get a scope on everyone. I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. My main question was if walk-ups at a sales event were being treated in the same way as office walk-ins and the answer according to what I have read myself in the federal register as well as compliance departments that I have spoken to is yes. I was in a meeting Monday and there was a guy there who "knows everything" (and he is actually quite knowledgeable, but everything is impossible to know). He was saying that the only thing we could do at a sales event was obtain PTC, then follow up for a scope, then follow up for appointment. That's where my question initially came from. I was pretty sure he was wrong, but I am also not infallible.
Yes, my thoughts exactly. Then I got caught up on "that's non compliant" if you have them sign a scope when its not required.

These rules are what kept me from Medicare for so many years. At some point I just had to go with it, if I'm doing everything possible to be compliant, then oh well if I get a complaint. The nuances and inconsistences and constant changes drives me batty. I work on good faith, honestly and integrity, and do the best I can.

If only I had a nickel for all those guys who "know everything"

None of us are infallible. So far almost to 3rd AEP no complaints yet. Almost had one, dude highly threatened on a LEP issue at Walmart. Dude's still on my books. He's the only one not getting a letter or call this year.

Glad you got a Walmart I know that's your thing. I wish I did, but I didn't I'm going to aim for a mom and pop store, but already have enough to do. When you got your Walmart this year, is there a difference in what it costs from last year?
You really believe the 10’s of 1000’s of agents who watch agents say “ They walked up to me “ are going to sit by and watch agents and call centers game the system? “ I had my shirt , shorts and pants on that “ need help with your Medicare ? . Cms laid unfair rules down for most agents vs helping bs call ins or walk ins . As I always say “ I’ll do what I need to do and so will every other agent”
I'm back on this question again. Here's where I'm at. Not doing Walmart, but doing another table elsewhere. I talked to one big carrier and they said NO to soa at the walk up table and to follow the 48 hour rule. UNLESS the prospect is adamant about signing then and there, and there should be zero pressure with comments like, "if you want to be assertive about signing now, I can do a scope"....none of that. This carrier rep was super specific with that exact example, NO SOA/enrollment at the same visit even at a walk up table event. I also came across another specification on another carriers site saying NO to the walk up tables and soa/enrollment at the first time you are approached.

Here's some actual verbage from one of the big carriers:

48 hour rule Applicable - Scheduled sales events (formal presentations and walk-up tables, kiosk, RV, etc.) 48 hour rule Not Applicable--Unscheduled in person meetings (walk-ins) initiated by the beneficiary (office, etc.)

So if they walk into your office no worries, but if they walk up to your table unannounced soa/enrollment not ok. So weird, bc so many just walk up to the table "unscheduled" and the "scheduled" event and want help johnny on the spot while theyre there (and the beneficiary initiated the walk up). Ughgghgh

No one ever accused the powers that be as making any sense.

Bummer. So, my approach will be walk them through the SOA on their cell after a quick send to them by text from Sunfire. Then set the appt for 48 or more hours later.

Bright side-I didn't have to pay $1500 for Walmart, and I'll be 5 miles away anyway, and if this gets too annoying I can abort ship and not lose any money.
I meant no soa plus enrollment johnny on the spot.

This might have been answered already, I'm a slow learner lol This makes it clear to me though that SOA, yes, fine, but enrollment at the same time at a walk up table is not ok.
Wonderful, now we have to wait 49 hrs. When will the madness end?
I have been doing exclusively "walk-in" business since the 48-hour SOA's started to be required. Only a couple of well-established, out-of-town clients get house calls. I don't sell near as much as I could otherwise, yet I just don't want to deal with the headache of someone deciding they don't like something six months after the fact and filing a complaint. It's virtually impossible to prove that a SOA was done 48 hours in advance; and frankly, it's a big hassle to get one 48 hours in advance. The "telephonic" scopes ask the prospect so many questions, they get irritated. Customers do not understand why they have sign a form then wait 48-hours to do business. Frankly, there's not one ounce of logic in any of it. These administrative regulations are made up by bureaucrats who never sold anything to anybody, and have no clue as to the normal flow of making contact and then making a presentation. When someone calls, they want to talk about it now, not two days from now. If the state and feds won't enforce the laws against the myriad of robo-callers, then why even bother with all the rules?