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The Art of Selling (Final Expense) by Robert "Bo" Clark

"He is not disabled at all. Not in anyway. I'm not sure if he served in the military but he is pretty young so if he did it was probably in desert storm. He never mentioned it to me.
Pretty typical response from someone who never wore the uniform. This disgusts me. How do you know if someone is disabled or not? Especially when you didn't even know if he served in the military or not.
I'm a disabled Vet with numerous injuries and surgeries but if you "LOOK" at me or talk to me, you'd have no idea.
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"He is not disabled at all. Not in anyway. I'm not sure if he served in the military but he is pretty young so if he did it was probably in desert storm. He never mentioned it to me.
Pretty typical response from someone who never wore the uniform. This disgusts me. How do you know if someone is disabled or not? Especially when you didn't even know if he served in the military or not.
I'm a disabled Vet with numerous injuries and surgeries but if you "LOOK" at me or talk to me, you'd have no idea.
You should delete your post. It's pathetic.

Steve: I agree we can't judge a vet's disability by appearance.. I served, never saw combat and was never in danger other than possibly falling off a bar stool in Vegas. To those that did see combat, I honor them and say thanks.

However, even though you are service related disabled, you have never acted as if that should be your cover for every mistake you might make in life but some people do. This is the attitude that seems to be discussed here.
I agree that his military service is totally irrelevant when discussing his (reportedly) terrible book.

It just struck me when someone above acted like they actually knew he couldn't possibly be disabled in any way.

By the way Rouse, that bar stool incident cracks me up. I have plenty of those types of stories too!
"He is not disabled at all. Not in anyway. I'm not sure if he served in the military but he is pretty young so if he did it was probably in desert storm. He never mentioned it to me.
Pretty typical response from someone who never wore the uniform. This disgusts me. How do you know if someone is disabled or not? Especially when you didn't even know if he served in the military or not.
I'm a disabled Vet with numerous injuries and surgeries but if you "LOOK" at me or talk to me, you'd have no idea.
You should delete your post. It's pathetic.

I shouldn't delete anything. And I still wear a uniform. I have been deployed to Iraq 6 times and I'm still active in the national guard. And I was shot in the foot!! I also had my first child while I was in combat. I have made the sacrifices that warrants me my response.

You should be careful how you respond you never know who is really a disabled vet. Or who STILL serves their country.
I thank you for your service and am completely surprised and disappointed that you would question a fellow (disabled) veteran's (Mr. Clark) service to his country.
Answer me this: How could you even say this: "He is not disabled at all. Not in anyway. I'm not sure if he served in the military..." when you didn't even know???
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I thank you for your service and am completely surprised and disappointed that you would question a fellow (disabled) veteran's (Mr. Clark) service to his country.
Answer me this: How could you even say this: "He is not disabled at all. Not in anyway. I'm not sure if he served in the military..." when you didn't even know???

If you knew him you would understand. I'm not sure his bio is legitimate. Everything I have ever heard from his mouth has not been true.

Pm me if you really are interested and I'll explain to u why he is no fellow of mine. Service or not.
If we could bring the testosterone level down a few notches, please.

As for the CONTENT of the book, it appears that, Veteran or not, he should have given the manuscript to someone to eyeball, so that the aforementioned errors could be corrected. Unfortunately, there are websites out there that will "publish" a book for you. All you have to do is submit the Word document, and BAM, there you are next to Stephen King and Maya Angelou.

As for being a Veteran of Foreign War, while I'm not a Social Worker, nor do I play one on TV, I am married to a Social Worker (LMSW), and she has told me the following, based on her 5 year tenure working in the Emergency Room at the VA, here in Atlanta. Those that have served the least, complain the most, and always try to play "victim". Those that have served the most are usually more compliant, much more humble, and take advice better.

As for the book: in most situations, any book written by a Salesperson, is nothing more than self-serving crap. I have been in the business for 16 years, and Stephen Schiffman's books are the worst. I have usually found that books that are NOT sales books (The Art of War, Atlas Shrugged, etc.) taught me more about selling and interacting with people than any, "Feel, Felt, Found" or "Wouldn't It, Shouldn't It, Couldn't It" drivel.

Just my opinion.
I agree that his military service is totally irrelevant when discussing his (reportedly) terrible book.

It just struck me when someone above acted like they actually knew he couldn't possibly be disabled in any way.

By the way Rouse, that bar stool incident cracks me up. I have plenty of those types of stories too!

My "Foreign War" was fought at Las Veags.. I spent two and half years at Nellis. Believe me, for a 17 year old, wet behind the ears kid from small town Tennessee, no country could have been more "foreign" than Vegas. :laugh:
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