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The First Thing Agents Need to Demand From Lead Vendors

By "beating the hell out of a lead", I mean if I try to reach them multiple times throughout the day and evening and sending them an email. If no one answers, that doesn't necessarily mean it's a wrong #, they may just not be home. There are lots of times I may not reach someone on for days on end but then bam, several days later I reach them, and can write them.

Far too many agents that I know call a lead 2-3 times and if they don't get an answer they stop calling, which is a big mistake over the long run.

The one's that are bogus, I get credit for. There are always some I can't reach no matter how hard I try but nothing works every time.
I will stick up for Bob a bit here. We do communicate regulary about the fake lead problem. He does see it as a problem for the business just as I do.

I don't agree on the bad phone/ no credit concept. And maybe there should be a contact by phone or email prospect preference. I send a email and a call with mine. Some only want to communicate by email and I'm fine with that.

What I believe is happening with these fake leads is they are self generated by affliates to raise volume. They use real people but false personal information as it is not as readily available. These are not kids playing or even adults playing farmville. These are people who are committing fraud with no real consequence if caught. Think of it as idenity theft with no jail time if caught. Ya just give the money back. I think it is organized and makes an effort to stay one step ahead of the vendors.

Bob's company has done a good job screening these out for a while. Now, they're back and his company has to go back and figure out a way to screen them again. I am a person who doesn't mind fewer better leads over crap volume. Work smarter, not harder.

Until some affiliate gets charged with fraud, this will continue. It's like this years ago a PT chain used to add a charge for ice with every claim submitted. The 2oz. dixie cup cost $7. If you reviewed your bill and caught it, they reversed the charge from your bill. But most missed this claim or it was too small for insurance carriers to deal with. So maybe 5% were questioned and reversed. This company generated about 10,000 claims a day nationally. So 9,500 x$7 for a service you didn't provide is very profitabel and if caught, you claim a billing error and take it off.

Until a lead vendor goes after an affiliate and charges them with fraud (make no mistake the fake ones I get ARE intentionally done.) it's a consequence free crime.

Bob's alright. HTQ is alright. They try, they still credit reasonable claims. Right now, for me they have to go back and create something new to screen again as the bad guys have figured what they've been doing out.
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This is a prime example of why getting pre-set appointments is the only way to go. Not only do you not have to cold call and set up an appointment, if you get there and the information is wrong you have the vendor dead to rights and have a leg to stand on. I can go down a call list all day and get some basic info. and pass it on but to get GOOD info. Renewal dates, Carriers, current agents, this is information that can be used and is valuable when closing a deal. Rather than the alternative which is here is a name and number and sometimes an e-mail good luck, now pay me.
This is a prime example of why getting pre-set appointments is the only way to go. Not only do you not have to cold call and set up an appointment, if you get there and the information is wrong you have the vendor dead to rights and have a leg to stand on. I can go down a call list all day and get some basic info. and pass it on but to get GOOD info. Renewal dates, Carriers, current agents, this is information that can be used and is valuable when closing a deal. Rather than the alternative which is here is a name and number and sometimes an e-mail good luck, now pay me.

You need to do a search on this forum...There have been many complaints about pre-set appointments and even though they are recording the call it is considered legitamite appointment if after saying no to the rep a couple times the person finally says yes just o get them off the phone, you can hear it in their voice they won't be at the appointment or won't let you in and the vendor has evidence them saying yes.
I will stick up for Bob a bit here. We do communicate regulary about the fake lead problem. He does see it as a problem for the business just as I do.

I don't agree on the bad phone/ no credit concept. And maybe there should be a contact by phone or email prospect preference. I send a email and a call with mine. Some only want to communicate by email and I'm fine with that.

What I believe is happening with these fake leads is they are self generated by affliates to raise volume. They use real people but false personal information as it is not as readily available. These are not kids playing or even adults playing farmville. These are people who are committing fraud with no real consequence if caught. Think of it as idenity theft with no jail time if caught. Ya just give the money back. I think it is organized and makes an effort to stay one step ahead of the vendors.

Bob's company has done a good job screening these out for a while. Now, they're back and his company has to go back and figure out a way to screen them again. I am a person who doesn't mind fewer better leads over crap volume. Work smarter, not harder.

Until some affiliate gets charged with fraud, this will continue. It's like this years ago a PT chain used to add a charge for ice with every claim submitted. The 2oz. dixie cup cost $7. If you reviewed your bill and caught it, they reversed the charge from your bill. But most missed this claim or it was too small for insurance carriers to deal with. So maybe 5% were questioned and reversed. This company generated about 10,000 claims a day nationally. So 9,500 x$7 for a service you didn't provide is very profitabel and if caught, you claim a billing error and take it off.

Until a lead vendor goes after an affiliate and charges them with fraud (make no mistake the fake ones I get ARE intentionally done.) it's a consequence free crime.

Bob's alright. HTQ is alright. They try, they still credit reasonable claims. Right now, for me they have to go back and create something new to screen again as the bad guys have figured what they've been doing out.

Affiliates are exposing and taking advantage of the vendor's policy of no credit unless all information is bogus.

Vendors then feed the leads to agents with the "it's now your problem" mentality and the burden is placed on the agent to prove the phone and email are fake. It's next to impossible to prove the email is fake unless it bounces and the criminals have solved that issue.

It's absolutely out of control criminal affiliate activity that's driving bad leads. I could apply to be an affiliate today and start feeding fake leads through the site. Back in the day the number had to work - tough to fake. The vendor said "hey..fake or disconnected numbers? No credit." That opened up the flood gates for criminal activity.

It's hard to explain but anyone buying leads knows when it's all fake, yet the email doesn't bounce. You know the name is fake, number goes to a VM box that's not set up, and the email is very odd - no something any human would choose as their email.

Vendors? Torn between millions in revenue and really clamping down.
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I agree that's why the firm you use should hold themselves accountable for the lead. If you pay your marketers a bonus when an agent renews another month that will eliminate someone just trying to get off the phone, and the marketer wanting a solid appointment so the agent will be happy and they get their bonus. Telemarketers know the difference, pay them by the hour with retention bonus and the appointments will be solid.
I agree that's why the firm you use should hold themselves accountable for the lead. If you pay your marketers a bonus when an agent renews another month that will eliminate someone just trying to get off the phone, and the marketer wanting a solid appointment so the agent will be happy and they get their bonus. Telemarketers know the difference, pay them by the hour with retention bonus and the appointments will be solid.

wtf, we r talking about internet leads here. and no health agent or health consumer wants a "pre set appointment", sounds like an escort service to me
My largest client has 150 offices and handles health and they have been with us for 5 years. Some of there offices wont even go out on an appointment unless the company has 250 employees participating. It works for health and p/c.
Sounds like you are giving it some serious thought.

There is nothing wrong with emailing or mailing the leads you can reach by via phone. Who knows, it may turn out to be valid and reachable. But for any vendor to charge $12.50 (your price for leads I believe) or even more for an email address an affiliate generated for half a cent, it is pure robbery.

That you are even thinking about it is a bad mark in my book.

The problem I have noticed with lead vendors, and why I steer clear of them, is that they believe they are the only one who should profit from leads. You are quickly moving to step into that camp if you implement your new policy.

Hey VolAgent,

I was/am curious about what Agents think about this process as my competitors are doing it. I have not changed & will NOT change unless it is a Win-Win for the agent & HometownQuotes.com. That is the way we do business here.

So YES, we credit for bad telephone numbers but with the technology we now use, on a % basis of why leads are bad, telephone number invalid is not even close to what it used to be.

Based on the feedback here, it is not a Win-Win & it would be Suicide for me to not give credit for Bogus telephone numbers! :idea:

I hear you loud & clear folks!
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