Yellow Page Ads - Worth it or not...

Yellow Pages didn't work for me

I spent about $1,000 per month last year on the yellow pages. I had leader ads in several books. The ad brought in only a few thousand dollars in commissions. :no:

I should have listened to my wife. She said that people don't use the yellow pages any more.

The main problem was the lack of volume. Adverse selection was also an issue. Those with more money and more education have more access to the Internet and are using the yellow pages less and less today. This is more true for younger people, but Grandma and Grandpa are on the Internet too. This Grandpa is a webmaster and a programmer and can't live without it.

I sell primarily individual health insurance. I may have made more money if I had avertised for auto insurance because there are more prospects for P&C.

I have the 1-800-INSURANCE number for my state, which I also pay pretty penny for, and still got nothing from the yellow pages.

Today I get most of my business from the Internet and referrals. I have a Connecticut Health Insurance website that gets enough traffic to keep me busy.

I've been planning to experiment with direct mail again, but I've been too busy. That might be the direction I'd go in if I didn't have the websites. The great thing about direct mail is that you can test and make changes several times a year. You can increase or decrease your investment at any time. With the yellow pages you can make changes only once per year.
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