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Don't Work With Pinney Insurance

This thread is epic. :goofy:

Educational, entertaining I laughed, I cried. I probably saved a lot of time and money, so I thank you, Jeff, and appreciate your excellent attention to detail. Here is my takeaway:

1. You poached their people, they got butt-hurt and thought they'd retaliate. OK, they tried, but when you pushed back, they screwed themselves by posting their "rebuttle" on their site. That alone makes them look very bad, imo.

2. A posted on this forum who seems to be quite respected suggested I look into Pinney months ago. I was going to, right about now actually, because my current GA is not meeting all of my needs. I will not seek Pinney as a result of this. Why? well, as others have pointed out, although I am a little superwoman agent, I probably won't get screwed by them, but...

RESIST! we must.

Look at the Republicans in congress now, sucking up to that narcissistic wing nut president. They're not supporting the resistance because that fruit cake will help them get what their party wants. That's all they care about. The Oranesicle won't hurt them, he will help them, at least for now. But you know what they say....YET - You're Eligible Too. Look the other way today, you may fall tomorrow.

It was also recommended to me that I read Jeff Root's book. I am going to buy it immediately now!

Way to bring politics into it. Since you did, I'll offer a counter argument. I don't see the Republicans sucking up to him. If anything, they're sitting on the sidelines doing nothing. For example, while Obama was in office the House voted to repeal ACA six times. Now all of a sudden they say it's going to be difficult to undo. What that tells me is the campaign promises of repealing and replacing ACA by all Republicans was just lip service. What exactly have they been doing for the last 6+ years? If they were serious about repealing and replacing, they would have had a plan ready to go.

With that said, let's not hijack this thread and make it a debate about politics. There is a section of the forum where you can go argue politics all you want.
I don't wish to hijack the thread, I merely made a comparison. Which supports the whole intention Jeff had by writing about his experience with Pinney.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke
It has been quite some time since someone has used that word on this forum.

Dialectic? It is a common word, especially to anyone who majored in English and minored in philosophy and who has (or was forced to) read Kant and Hegel. Anyone who has had to write a senior thesis or dissertation knows the Hegelian dialectic:

...usually presented in a threefold manner: a thesis, giving rise to its reaction, an antithesis, which contradicts or negates the thesis, and the tension between the two being resolved by means of a synthesis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dialectic#Hegelian_dialectic

I have no idea what or whom you are talking about. You can discern by some kind of verbal analysis who is whom or who was whom on a (this) chat board by the words, phrases and context they employ in their posts? Can you teach it to the rest of us? Is there a way you can apply it to picking stocks?

:laugh: :yes:
nylife11023 is NOT "he who shall not be named". And yes, I can tell. Completely different syntax in their language patterns.

However, I guess I am a "simple folk" for using "simple language" usually. I'd have to look up 'dialectic' to know what it means. I just make sure I take complex concepts and bring them to simple terms so that even college professors could understand.


I don't wish to hijack the thread, I merely made a comparison. Which supports the whole intention Jeff had by writing about his experience with Pinney.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke

You can apply this to both sides of the political spectrum:

Supreme Chancellor: Remember back to your early teachings. "All who gain power are afraid to lose it." Even the Jedi.

Anakin Skywalker: The Jedi use their power for good.

Supreme Chancellor: Good is a point of view, Anakin. The Sith and the Jedi are similar in almost every way, including their quest for greater power.

Anakin Skywalker: The Sith rely on their passion for their strength. They think inward, only about themselves.

Supreme Chancellor: And the Jedi don't?

Anakin Skywalker: The Jedi are selfless... they only care about others.
nylife is most definitely he who shall not be named, not unless he who shall not be named had a complete change in personality.

I'm not familiar with nylife, so I can't speak to a personality comparison.

But a quick forum search finds that nylife has used the word dialectic a handful of times. The only other forum member that has used the word (and has since been deleted and is listed as "guest") used the word a handful of times as well.........
nylife11023 is NOT "he who shall not be named". And yes, I can tell. Completely different syntax in their language patterns.

However, I guess I am a "simple folk" for using "simple language" usually. I'd have to look up 'dialectic' to know what it means. I just make sure I take complex concepts and bring them to simple terms so that even college professors could understand.

I had planned on a teaching career in academia. In (non-Ivy League) college I found that I had (developed) good writing and speaking skills which reinforced my career choice. But that would have required more (expensive) years in school. I was recruited to the financial sector where I could put some of these skills to use. Pedantic writing is valued in my line of work and in my social ecosystem. Even if you are a total dumb-a$$ (many here and elsewhere consider me in that demographic and there is often rationale to do so) if you can look 'smart' on paper and sound smart standing in a board room giving a presentation, you will be perceived as being smart... and that's a good thing when dealing with Ivy League grads... who really are smart and not faking it!!!

:yes: :laugh:


I'm not familiar with nylife, so I can't speak to a personality comparison.

But a quick forum search finds that nylife has used the word dialectic a handful of times. The only other forum member that has used the word (and has since been deleted and is listed as "guest") used the word a handful of times as well.........

That word has only been used by two people on the entire history of this forum? I thought it is a rather common word. I hear it all the time from my lawyer wife. I take it that this other person is or was a persona non grata here. (I hope he or she hasn't used that phrase too!)

Given some of the really mean-spirited posts I've seen in the FE section as well as the non-ins. section, I think one would have to be total s--tbird (a military term of derision) to get thrown out of this chat board. I hope using the word "dialectic" is not grounds for that!!
I had planned on a teaching career in academia. In (non-Ivy League) college I found that I had (developed) good writing and speaking skills which reinforced my career choice. But that would have required more (expensive) years in school. I was recruited to the financial sector where I could put some of these skills to use. Pedantic writing is valued in my line of work and in my social ecosystem. Even if you are a total dumb-a$$ (many here and elsewhere consider me in that demographic and there is often rationale to do so) if you can look 'smart' on paper and sound smart standing in a board room giving a presentation, you will be perceived as being smart... and that's a good thing when dealing with Ivy League grads... who really are smart and not faking it!!!

:yes: :laugh:


That word has only been used by two people on the entire history of this forum? I thought it is a rather common word. I hear it all the time from my lawyer wife. I take it that this other person is or was a persona non grata here. (I hope he or she hasn't used that phrase too!)

Given some of the really mean-spirited posts I've seen in the FE section as well as the non-ins. section, I think one would have to be total s--tbird (a military term of derision) to get thrown out of this chat board. I hope using the word "dialectic" is not grounds for that!!

It was nice knowing you! :)
It was nice knowing you! :)

I was nice being here!!

To bring this back on-to-topic, I would think that J.R. would have a good legal case to get his overrides back. Perhaps his contract has an arbitration clause in it which would save him from large legal fees.

I wonder if maybe NAIFA will intercede on his behalf... perhaps bringing both parties together to adjudicate the dispute. The problem is that NAIFA is as much an agent's association as it is a carrier and BG group... and it has more of a lobbying mission than something more granular at the local level.

I would think that the GA would be motivated to settle this as well as JR. This kind of issue works to no one's favor.
Dialectic? It is a common word, especially to anyone who majored in English and minored in philosophy and who has (or was forced to) read Kant and Hegel. Anyone who has had to write a senior thesis or dissertation knows the Hegelian dialectic:

...usually presented in a threefold manner: a thesis, giving rise to its reaction, an antithesis, which contradicts or negates the thesis, and the tension between the two being resolved by means of a synthesis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dialectic#Hegelian_dialectic

I have no idea what or whom you are talking about. You can discern by some kind of verbal analysis who is whom or who was whom on a (this) chat board by the words, phrases and context they employ in their posts? Can you teach it to the rest of us? Is there a way you can apply it to picking stocks?

:laugh: :yes:

I believe that this is the what or the whom. Seems like a nice enough guy.:)

A.N. Canton Insurance Services

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