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Got hit by a drunk, want to know what I’m entitled to


New Member
Hello, I was hit by a drunk lady, when she turned into me as I was going through a light and she wanted to turn left. As you can see in the picture, she scraped up the majority of my drivers side, i’m not hurt much, but I am hoping to get a few massages, and my phone and laptop replaced because they haven’t been the same since, with my phone being cracked on my screen protector and underlying glass, and the charger not staying in the charging port much anymore. I’ve had such bad experiences with both my insurance, and the at fault person’s insurance in the past, I’m worried about either insurance giving me proper restitution, even though I have full coverage on my vehicle and she was at fault. Please help me in dealing with one or both insurances?
It's hard to tell you what to do without knowing what you've done so far.

What was the date of the accident?
Did the police come?
Was she cited?
Have you obtained a copy of the police report.
Have you reported the accident to either of the insurance companies?
With what result?
Have you sought medical attention for your injuries?
If not, why not?

Answer each of the above questions and we'll continue the discussion.

Take your car to a body shop and get an estimate. Report back with the repair cost and the answers to the questions.
What was the date of the accident?
Did the police come?
Was she cited?
Have you obtained a copy of the police report.
Have you reported the accident to either of the insurance companies?
With what result?
Have you sought medical attention for your injuries?
If not, why not?

Did the police come? Yes
Was she cited? Yes
Have you obtained a copy of the police report. Yes, just got the mail, and I called the police back and it doesn't say she was cited for DUI, they also told me the the Sherrif's office was out there as well, so I'm going to call them now.
Have you reported the accident to either of the insurance companies? My insurance told me to file with her insurance, which is Farmers. I did that and still waiting to hear back from her adjuster.
Have you sought medical attention for your injuries? Yes, I had an urgent care visit for some aches/pains/whiplash and "contusions"
My insurance told me to file with her insurance, which is Farmers. I did that and still waiting to hear back from her adjuster.

What was the date of the accident?

If you don't get any action from Farmers pretty quick consider using your collision coverage unless you don't mind driving your car that way or have other transportation. If so, continue with Farmers.

Understand that your company has a contractual and statutory obligation to pay for your repairs as soon as reasonably possible, the other company has a contractual obligation to protect its insured so your claim there isn't going to get greater priority than any other and could take a while.

Again, get an estimate from a body shop of your choice so you know what ball park your repair cost is in.

So far, you're doing what you are supposed to be doing.

As for your injuries, take dated photos of any visible injuries (contusions and such) right away and then take additional dated photos at intervals to show the progression of your recovery. They will be helpful down the road when you ask for money.

Come back to this thread to discuss any further issues. I'm happy to help.
Confused as to how the cell phone and laptop fit into the claim. Tread lightly.

They were both damaged in the accident, the phone was in my pocket and took the brunt of the hit and the laptop flew off the seat, and hasn't been the same since.