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Insurance Forums App


According to recent reports, we now have more than 6,000 downloads of our app. If you use it on an Iphone, Ipad or Android, we would really appreciate you taking two minutes to give us a rating and review.

If you have already given a rating, you can still re-rate it now that there is a new version up there.

I can't promise it will always be ad free, but I have spent a lot of money on developing the apps and make absolutely no revenue from your usage of it, and of course it is given away for free, so please rate it as a small token of appreciation.


I can't promise it will always be ad free, but I have spent a lot of money on developing the apps and make absolutely no revenue from your usage of it, and of course it is given away for free, so please rate it as a small token of appreciation.



Just my opinion, but it should absolutely have ads and you should be compensated for your time and money spent here. I have a lot of free apps and they are all supported by ads.
Just my opinion, but it should absolutely have ads and you should be compensated for your time and money spent here. I have a lot of free apps and they are all supported by ads.

Nooooooo....ads. But if it comes to that please have an ad free pro version as well.

As far as the app goes. "Works great, less filling."
According to recent reports, we now have more than 6,000 downloads of our app. If you use it on an Iphone, Ipad or Android, we would really appreciate you taking two minutes to give us a rating and review.

If you have already given a rating, you can still re-rate it now that there is a new version up there.

I can't promise it will always be ad free, but I have spent a lot of money on developing the apps and make absolutely no revenue from your usage of it, and of course it is given away for free, so please rate it as a small token of appreciation.



I left a review. Love the site, love the app. I absolutely think you should have ads, there is no reason you shouldn't be comp'd for your time.

If you have an ad version and also offer a paid version ad free, I'd buy it. I think most of us would.

Thanks for all you do!