Lenient Med Supp UW in Texas?

I have recently had an uptick in UW Med Supp apps (I mostly write T-65). Two of my more competitively priced carriers are ACE and Humana Achieve, both of which have not been friendly to me from an UW standpoint recently. I'm getting denials on 1 BP, 1 Cholesterol, 1 anxiety med apps.

I'm just looking for suggestions on any carriers in Texas who are generally more lenient with relatively healthy applicants? I remember Cigna years ago was very lenient, is this still so? What about MOO, Aetna/CVS, Allstate, AARP or BCBS?

Thanks in advance
I haven't had a great experience with Ace as far as UW but maybe I'll give them another go that was about a year ago.

The denial was from Humana achieve in that specific example. It's always possible the client left out information of course. I don't do a whole lot of UW med supp so maybe my sample size is just too small!

I have recently had an uptick in UW Med Supp apps (I mostly write T-65). Two of my more competitively priced carriers are ACE and Humana Achieve, both of which have not been friendly to me from an UW standpoint recently. I'm getting denials on 1 BP, 1 Cholesterol, 1 anxiety med apps.

I'm just looking for suggestions on any carriers in Texas who are generally more lenient with relatively healthy applicants? I remember Cigna years ago was very lenient, is this still so? What about MOO, Aetna/CVS, Allstate, AARP or BCBS?

Thanks in advance
I haven't had a great experience with Ace as far as UW but maybe I'll give them another go that was about a year ago.

The denial was from Humana achieve in that specific example. It's always possible the client left out information of course. I don't do a whole lot of UW med supp so maybe my sample size is just too small!


I have had some surprise declines, with them but then I go apply elsewhere and get declined as well, 1 I know she fessed up about some condition

several other not sure what the deal is

at the same time though I have a lot of otherwise declines get approved with ACE, Ace works with Afib arrythmia, CHF, RA and some other things other carriers do not work with

No carrier declining over 1 BP and a cholesterol

Could be they told underwriter they need a cataract or a knee surgery

You have to be carful when someone was told they probably will eventually need a cataract surgery or anything that is going to be considered NOT complete

You need to remind them if a doc said they may at some point need to possibly do this or that , that is not the same as a doctor said you need to get tis surgery and you are working on setting that up

But every carrier has its own niches Aetna and its affiliates accept COPD under the right conditions

Some don't underwrite Ht Wt

You have to know what the real issue is to find the right carrier
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