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Looking for an Appointment Setter

OK, If you move your contracts to me, I will set your appts for you, scrub your cases and it will also cost 15% split. Now I split it because I will have an interest in your success....

My agents jump at this most of the time and after about 8 weeks of selling and writing 7-10 apps per week. They begin to add up the 15%.... and then start asking me to teach and practice phone calling so they can keep the split.......

My point is, agents make the best appointment setters.... Just learn how to do it the correct way and schedule consistent times to do it. Don't listen to anyone that tells you that there time is more valuable. That is BS.

Appt Setting is too valuable not to do it yourself. I have only seen Husband and Wife Teams that do it successfully. No employee will care as much about the interaction between the prospect and yourself more than the one who makes the commission....

The agent that does what the other agent does not want/like to do is the WINNER.

Twilight, I have to disagree here. While you are a veteran in this industry Im an no newborn to the business world or marketing. I will say this as a famous recommendation and quote from sales trainer Tom Hopkins - "Dont do what you dont like" and yes that includes cleaning the house, mowing the yard or setting appts. I am a little biased because I do fall into the husband/wife team as my wife sets my appts but she also sets appts for a few agents as well and they will attest to the fact if they had to set their own appts they would never hit the $20k to $30k in a month that they do. Setting appts is a f*king grind and takes a hell of a lot longer than most think, at least in the South. Great post but I have to disagree.
Twilight, I have to disagree here. While you are a veteran in this industry Im an no newborn to the business world or marketing. I will say this as a famous recommendation and quote from sales trainer Tom Hopkins - "Dont do what you dont like" and yes that includes cleaning the house, mowing the yard or setting appts. I am a little biased because I do fall into the husband/wife team as my wife sets my appts but she also sets appts for a few agents as well and they will attest to the fact if they had to set their own appts they would never hit the $20k to $30k in a month that they do. Setting appts is a f*king grind and takes a hell of a lot longer than most think, at least in the South. Great post but I have to disagree.

I do agree.... Old Tom H did say that.... As a Real Estate Salesman.... No experience as a Life Man though.

Tom is good at the art/mechanics of the Sale... No Doubt about that. Life Insurance is a different animal altogether. It is not a tangible sale, it involves emotion and something that cannot be touched. A Far cry from the tangible sales that most people have experienced.

While I agree, don't do the house work.... I have owned houses now for 25 years and have yet to pound a nail or mow the lawn in any of them.... I job that out. But when it comes to how I make my $$$... I never job that out as a salesman.

You my kindred fellow are the luckiest guy in the world.... Both our wives understand what we do and how we make money and my wife assists me in so many ways in business that she is as important as I am to the success I have had. Unfortunately, there is not one for every life guy out there... (1 out of 100 is a generous number).

So to the everyday agent out there... I still say.... Learn it or Die on the Vine, because 95% of you will fail in 5 years.... That is what LIMRA says anyway.
I do agree.... Old Tom H did say that.... As a Real Estate Salesman.... No experience as a Life Man though.

Tom is good at the art/mechanics of the Sale... No Doubt about that. Life Insurance is a different animal altogether. It is not a tangible sale, it involves emotion and something that cannot be touched. A Far cry from the tangible sales that most people have experienced.

While I agree, don't do the house work.... I have owned houses now for 25 years and have yet to pound a nail or mow the lawn in any of them.... I job that out. But when it comes to how I make my $$$... I never job that out as a salesman.

You my kindred fellow are the luckiest guy in the world.... Both our wives understand what we do and how we make money and my wife assists me in so many ways in business that she is as important as I am to the success I have had. Unfortunately, there is not one for every life guy out there... (1 out of 100 is a generous number).

So to the everyday agent out there... I still say.... Learn it or Die on the Vine, because 95% of you will fail in 5 years.... That is what LIMRA says anyway.

I agree we are very very lucky. My wife has been my business partner for 15 years, legally on paper @ 35% member ownership in our LLC too, not just in words. She is my girl Friday and takes care of all the BS I dont or wont do, it works out because she likes doing that but I dont. Dont get me wrong, I pretty much do the bulk of the heavy lifting as far as cash flow and multiple income streams but I could not do it without her. Matter of fact, Im in the market to get her a larger policy because if something happened to her I would be screwed for a few months, both emotionally and financially.

I understand more of where you are coming from in general. I still think it may warrant an agent having an appt setter on contract basis if they are getting more than 30 leads per week. Its a bill well spent that will pay back very large dividends if dialed in correctly.

By the way, Ive sold and managed the "intangible" product and service (Building Maintenance and Management contracts and consulting) since 1994 and I completely understand your point and agree. Selling intangibles is different - I actually engage in what I call "Un-selling" and use the take away or a red herring or the columbo moment a lot in the home at the table.
hi my name is haider i wana become ur appointment setter or i can work for u as virtual assistant and i also have 5 years experience in call center BPO. So i am available for any cold calling hourly rate is 3 $ per hour please contact me on my e mail or skype
e-mail=>[email protected]
hi my name is haider i wana become ur appointment setter or i can work for u as virtual assistant and i also have 5 years experience in call center BPO. So i am available for any cold calling hourly rate is 3 $ per hour please contact me on my e mail or skype
e-mail=>[email protected]

Haider...what time is it there where you are at?
I've been on both sides of the appointment setter argument. It was nice to wake up and see all my appointments show up on Google calendar. I was paying $15 for every KEPT appointment. I started doing my own appointments and realized how embarrassingly easy it was to set up your next day. Some days it takes 20-30 minutes and sometimes a couple hours. I have gotten many new clients by simply asking questions on the phone. "I'm all set". "Great! Did you get some life insurance or just went ahead and paid cash for the funeral?" "I got me some life inshorrrance". "You're to be commended for that. I can't tell you how many people I talk to that had a family member die with no life insurance and they say how hard it was on the family.........by the way, what company do YOU have your insurance with?". "I don't know, Lincoln sumthin'". "Oh OK". "I'm all set". click.

What a beautiful door knock! Can you just imagine KNOWING that the person at that address is a LHL client? You're not going to get that information from an appointment setter.