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New Agent- Please Quit Buying Leads

What's wrong with buying new leads if you are a new agent? At least they have the foresight to re-invest into their business!
New agents need to learn what agent did in the old days, before anyone could buy leads......Prospecting still works today and for the new agents that don't have a lot of money....learn to also prospect...
If anyone wants to be successful in this business, you need to learn how to generate your own internet leads and stop complaining about how all the lead companies suck, don't rely on some company to sell you leads that you have no idea where they came from. I struggled for 6 years on cold calling,referrals and generating leads for "free", it sucks!!! I am now generating health and life leads on my own and spending about $6,000 per month in leads for my agency and am very profitable, this is a business, it takes money to make money!! If you think you will ever get past $3,000 to $5,000 per month in commission cold calling and pounding the pavement your in for a rude awakening. This is why so many agents fail, they have NO SYSTEM to rely on day after day and week after week. Dont kid yourself, cold calling is so outdated and will continue to be. People go online for EVERYTHING you can think of, and that includes insurance products.
So as a new agent, should I not purchase any leads?

In my opinion you should mix it up a bit as a new agent like some of the guys mentioned get some aged leads they are quite affordable, do some dollar dialing to small business owners and once you get good with your product knowledge get some fresh leads. I have been using internet leads and I am beginning to think that less agent are competing for leads, which is good for the ones getting the leads. Get some product knowledge, role play and set a goal, then work your butt off. Hope that helps.