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Should I Start Final Expense As a Captive or Independent Agent

Re: Should I Stat Final Expense As a Captive or Independent Agent

I think you answered your own question in the statement about hating to have a boss.
I started as an independent agent in 1987. I believe that the IA channel serves the insurance needs of Americans in the most efficient manner.

Having stated that, It's obvious from the success that agents have in both channels, that it's entirely subjective.

(I wouldn't last a week as a captive)

The "best" answer is to start as an IA with a mentor. IMHO
Starting IA with a mentor is great.

If you can't table your disdain for having a boss, you're probably going to have a very negative experience. Getting started has a learning curve and if you "I absolutely cant stand to have a boss or someone controlling how I do things" I can't see why anyone would want to mentor you in any meaningful way.

You'd hate captive shops.

As an IA you won't have the same access to training and resources that help you get consistent results. That's my take anyway.
All training is people reading to you what you can teach urself. Besides that I guess there is no need to be captive

^^This is sheer nonsense. But if that's what you believe then captive nor independent as an agent is going to be a good choice for you.

Might want to look into another profession.
Be prepared to knock on doors 4 days a week

Or you'll starve. Good Luck, only work with free
Leads to test the situation out.
All training is people reading to you what you can teach urself. Besides that I guess there is no need to be captive

That's not quite what I was referring to by training. Ridealongs and coaching can go a long way, that has nothing to do with reading.

It sounds like you're being very honest about how much you hate any type of manager/leadership figure. I'm unaware of any captive shops that would be a good fit for you under that circumstance and would have serious reservations about suggesting you get started as an IA because it seems like you're not going to be able to learn enough to feed yourself for a very long time. If you're bent on doing it though, IA is the only way that's going to allow you to truly have no one telling you what to do or coaching you toward success.
Whats a ride along.gonna.do for me? Be honest, all im gonna see is the dude makin a sale. I wont pick up on anything he says because I dont learn that way. Im more hands on learning. I dont believe u can teach someone how to sell. Either it comes to u or it doesnt


basically what can they teach me that I cant teach myself