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Thrivent.No More Med Supp as of 2021

Todd King

5000 Post Club
Yep, another one bites the dust!

Not sure how many of you out there have been using them, but been pretty good so far.....no reason to look to the future though.
It’s time to say goodbye!

Dear :
Effective December 31, 2020, Thrivent has made the decision to no longer offer for sale any new Thrivent Medicare Supplement Insurance plans. The commodity nature of these products, Thrivent’s lack of scale, and the product’s regulatory framework prompt our decision to no longer offer Thrivent proprietary Medicare Supplement products. All solicitation of this product must cease as of December 31, 2020, and all marketing materials must be removed from distribution and disabled from online viewing by December 31, 2020.

While this change impacts agents currently appointed to sell the Thrivent Medicare Supplement product, there is absolutely no impact on existing business. Thrivent will continue to service all existing policies by providing the high level of service that policy holders and agents currently receive.