20 Point System


I have seen a few good 20 point systems posted here and other places online. (Advisortoday)

What I have noticed in all of these systems is that people are including points for their sales.

I am currently making one that does not include points for sales, and just wanted to check if anyone here has done the same.

For me the purpose of the 20 point system is to ensure that you are continuing prospecting every day. If you have a lot of sales then you may not need any more points for that day and the funnel dries up.

I already have mine pretty much completed, but at the same time I am all about learning about what works for others as well.


I have seen a few good 20 point systems posted here and other places online. (Advisortoday)

What I have noticed in all of these systems is that people are including points for their sales.

I am currently making one that does not include points for sales, and just wanted to check if anyone here has done the same.

For me the purpose of the 20 point system is to ensure that you are continuing prospecting every day. If you have a lot of sales then you may not need any more points for that day and the funnel dries up.

I already have mine pretty much completed, but at the same time I am all about learning about what works for others as well.



I agree with you about pts., but keep in mind the point of the system is to stay focused and active. I'll be the first one to admit that during my 1st year I sometimes don't feel like doing $@$% when I get a really nice check. Then I think to myself, "what could I do if I work 50 hours a week."

I'm not as concerned about hours these days as I am about keeping the momentum going and acquiring my 2008 goals. Keep to your daily goals and do not stop until you either get them or have to go to sleep!
I should have explained.

This is simply a way to keep on task. Most assign point values for activities that you do during the day that help grow your business.

For instance you may get 1 point for making a cold call, 2 points for an appointment, and 3 for a sale. You keep track each day, and each day you start over.

If you follow this sort of system you are assured that you will keep your FUNNEL full.

Lets say that you had meetings all day. Too bad, before you are done for the day you need your 20 points, so you get on the phone and make calls etc.

This also allows you to realise the importance of Action, and how todays actions create tomorrows successes. Even if you don't get a sale that week, you can feel good knowing that you made your 20 points each day, and with the right system that will guarantee future sales.

For an example of the one I am referencing, and for a better explanation go to AdvisorToday.com and search for ADVANCED 20 POINT SYSTEM.

I am reworking it to not include sales, as I want to stay motivated about prospecting.

I am not sure if this is allowed but I just pasted the article. I am sure that a mod will take it off if not.

Removed because someone here had an issue.

Although I read the Disclaimer on Advisortoday and it said that it would be able to be used for Personal Non Business Reasons.

Here is the link to the page so you can view it.

Advanced 20-Point Days
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I am not sure if this is allowed but I just pasted the article. I am sure that a mod will take it off if not.

Advanced 20-Point Days
A daily system for success, formulated by an industry master.
By Robert M. Nelson, CLU, ChFC, NAIFA Past President
If you want to change the results that

If MR Nelson did not give you permission to post his intellectual property ... or if it is not in the public domain... than you stole it. I doubt you will get sued because I'm sure Mr. Nelson won't see it but had you posted my intellectual property you would have gotten a call from me asking for a nominal payment to use my work or I'd demand that you take the post down. (Had you asked permission in the first place I would have given it for free!)

You (everone here, not NW) don't have the rights to another person's published work. I don't know why you think you do... but you don't.

If you found this on the web the correct procedure would have been to post a link to it.... not copy and paste it and publish it without his permission.

I don't mean to be a hard-ass. I know you are not being malicious or anything. I'm sure you think that if it is on the web then it is out in the public domain. In most cases that is not the case. I'm just pointing out that what you did... what everyone does when they copy and paste a substantial part of someone else's work... is copyright violation... and yes you can be sued.

Yes, there is the concept of "fair use" but no one has yet to clearly define that... and you really don't want to be dragged into court and try to convince a judge that you took a page of someone's work as 'fair use.' It is just easier and safer to post a link... or get permission. (That's what the judge is going to say... before he slaps you with a 4 or 5 figure fine.)

Last edited by a moderator:
If MR Nelson did not give you permission to post his intellectual property ... or if it is not in the public domain... than you stole it. I doubt you will get sued because I'm sure Mr. Nelson won't see it but had you posted my intellectual property you would have gotten a call from me asking for a nominal payment to use my work or I'd demand that you take the post down. (Had you asked permission in the first place I would have given it for free!)

You (everone here, not NW) don't have the rights to another person's published work. I don't know why you think you do... but you don't.

If you found this on the web the correct procedure would have been to post a link to it.... not copy and paste it and publish it without his permission.

I don't mean to be a hard-ass. I know you are not being malicious or anything. I'm sure you think that if it is on the web then it is out in the public domain. In most cases that is not the case. I'm just pointing out that what you did... what everyone does when they copy and paste a substantial part of someone else's work... is copyright violation... and yes you can be sued.

Yes, there is the concept of "fair use" but no one has yet to clearly define that... and you really don't want to be dragged into court and try to convince a judge that you took a page of someone's work as 'fair use.' It is just easier and safer to post a link... or get permission. (That's what the judge is going to say... before he slaps you with a 4 or 5 figure fine.)


Please correct me if I'm wrong, but since the author was included in the article he posted and there is no material gained, how could the act be considered a copyright violation? It's been a few years since I was up on copyright protection (as it pertains to video production), so my facts may be a bit rusty.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but since the author was included in the article he posted and there is no material gained, how could the act be considered a copyright violation? It's been a few years since I was up on copyright protection (as it pertains to video production), so my facts may be a bit rusty.

Whether you give attribution to the author or not is immaterial to whether you had permission to post it in the first place. Same with the concept of material gain.

You can't take Homer Simpson, or Mickey Mouse and put them in your church bulletin and pass out on Sunday morning at a service open to the public. You don't own the copyright on Mickey or Homer. (You probably could do it if it was only mailed to church members... internal use... but IANAL.)

You can't take a one-page article written by Warren Buffet that might be on the Wall Street Journal's web site and publish it in your chamber of commerece's newsletter that anyone can have.

I don't have to tell you about how the recording companies are going nuts over mp3 file sharing.

Basically, I don't have the right to walk into your garage and take your bicycle for a ride around the block without your permission.... even if I do no damage to it and return it in an hour.

Whether you give attribution to the author or not is immaterial to whether you had permission to post it in the first place. Same with the concept of material gain.

You can't take Homer Simpson, or Mickey Mouse and put them in your church bulletin and pass out on Sunday morning at a service open to the public. You don't own the copyright on Mickey or Homer. (You probably could do it if it was only mailed to church members... internal use... but IANAL.)

You can't take a one-page article written by Warren Buffet that might be on the Wall Street Journal's web site and publish it in your chamber of commerece's newsletter that anyone can have.

I don't have to tell you about how the recording companies are going nuts over mp3 file sharing.

Basically, I don't have the right to walk into your garage and take your bicycle for a ride around the block without your permission.... even if I do no damage to it and return it in an hour.


I'm glad to know you picked up on the "I'm the type of guy who likes examples" approach. Good stuff.
Lets get off that and back on to the purpose of the post.

I removed the List, and created the link in its place.

Lets let those who will benifit from this post, and help me add their info. Let's not let this become yet another post that ends up in the far left.

Thanks for your concern, I will take that as a lesson learned. I am not sure that I was worng, being that I attributed the Author and Site, and it was for personal use, but lets just chalk it up to a lesson learned.

If you want to discuss this more please start a new post with this as the subject. Please do not continue your lesson on this post as I would like to hear what other people think, and I think that there are many agents that can learn a new technique.


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